Escape Camp

We aim to harmonise your physical and mental well-being, restoring balance.

In every camp, our objective is to elevate levels of physical stress and reset the body functions impacted by stress, with the goal of minimizing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

Encountering nature

Engaging in a variety of activities within natural surroundings, including sports and safaris.

Elimination of toxins

Through detoxification and meditation, you can cleanse your body and mind from harmful substances.


Gain a range of life skills through educational courses across diverse fields.

Explore more about Escape Camps.

نُقدم باقة متنوعة من الأنشطة المعتمدة على هدوء الطبيعة التي تُعتبر <مُضادًا طبيعيًا للأكتئاب حيث تقلل من التوتر، وتحسن من جهاز المناعة، وتعزز سلامة عقلك.

12Nov 10:00 PM - 30 Dec 12:00 AM

Start Point with Dr.Kareem

$250 /person

12Nov 10:00 PM - 30 Dec 12:00 AM

Start Point with Dr.Kareem

$250 /person

12Nov 10:00 PM - 30 Dec 12:00 AM

Start Point with Dr.Kareem

$250 /person

With our camps, start your adventure of relaxation through the natural world.

Our camps are symbolised by nature, which we implement for its unique ability to heal. It provides an energising brake, protecting you from the daily stresses of mental pressure.

Dr.Kareem Vision

Attaining health goals can be challenging for many. In this context, Harmonyscape emerges as a concept that allows individuals to distance themselves from challenges and toxins, embracing a clean and healthy environment.


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Our goal is to provide our clients with unrivalled relaxation.

We assist our clients in achieving their main goals by giving them a peaceful time in nature and providing the resources they need to learn about themselves and welcome new experiences.


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